Sunday, February 1, 2009

Making it Stick!

So now it's my turn...we're all back here in this together, but hopefully with a little more momentum and less confusion than last time. My first full week on the PCP diet has been pretty successful, I think. The first time it just felt like a ton of food, and this time by Tuesday I was ready to eat every bite of food. Like Lene, I just can't give up my Coke Zero (does that make me a coke addict?) but I'm working on it.
Making the Peak Condition Project more of a lifestyle than a short-term goal is at times relieving and depressing. It's pretty great to have some well-defined boundaries and know that if I just follow the plan, I'll feel great and be very healthy. On the other hand, cookies are good. Skittles are good! And chocolate is very, very good.
Every week of the PCP feels more or less like a wave pattern that goes something like this:

As you can see, it gets pretty rough around Wednesday evening but by Friday things are starting to pick back up again. And notice that the week ends at a slightly higher level than it started.

So tomorrow starts a new week and I am feeling a bit better today than I was this time last Sunday. So that's something.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Your charts and graphs are off the hook Amy! I have that same dip but for me it's the end of the week when I'm tired and my body commands me to eat junk and play Xbox