Stuck. Stuck. Stuck. Stuck.
Good memories. An english teacher I had in high school would make us write that during creative writing sessions when we didn't know what to write. But as long as the pen was moving the ideas would keep coming and you would spend a lot less time writing "stuck" then you would just staring at the paper. Even if you had to start by writing "stuck" at least you were writing. And that's what many great writers say, that you can only get good at writing by, you guessed it, writing! Even if it's writing 100 "stucks" to get somewhere. And even if you write nothing you keep or like you learned and you grew.
So what does this have to with the PCP Nate, you say?
You will obviously have the best results from a workout if you have a goal, and do a thorough thoughtful workout. However if you aren't doing anything or trying to get motivated to do a workout but can't get into it write your workout "stuck."
What do I mean by that?
If you feel lost or unmotivated, don't have the resistance bands or the running shoes or jump rope under the bed or in the closet. Try this instead. Don't think about doing a workout, don't intimidate yourself, if you're not feeling up to doing a full workout, just do this . . .
One bicep curl,
or one crunch,
or one push-up.
You get the idea.
If you do ONE thing and that is your only goal you have immediately entered into a win-win situation. How? By 1. fulfilling your goal of doing one of an exercise and 2. I guarantee 9 times out of 10 you will do more then the 1 rep. I actually guarantee you will at least 5 times out of 10 wind up doing some semblance of a good work-out. And don't just use this technique once. Write "stuck" WHENEVER you don't know where to go next. If you did 1 v-sit and it turned into 3 sets of 20. And you think "awesome that really worked but I think I'm done" say but I'm gonna do 1 pull-up first. And when you really are done, do that 1 rep and call it quits. You did more than you ever thought your would and you just met or far exceeded your goals.
You see being stuck can be a good thing!
Great advice Nate, I'll give it a try next time I'm stuck.
Nate, this is so true! When I am not in the mood to exercise, it is so much easier to approach a workout that doesn't ask too much. And of course, once I get started it seems natural to do just a few extra reps. Even if those aren't the best workouts ever, it is better than just sitting around instead.
I'm going to make this my regular work-out!
one of each! I like it haha
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