I had a bad week.
I got sick. Some weird stomach flu thing that had me laid out for about 4 days. So again I have not fallen into the PCP rhythm as everyone else yet. I'm Glad everyone is getting on track though, it's moments like this that the PCC is really needed. Between taking care of my mom when she was sick to being violently ill myself over the course or two and still trying to make a living one can get pretty down about working out. I'm glad to see everyone doing well thought and to read their thoughts.
Today is the first day I feel back to 100%. It was 50+ degrees here in Rochester and that felt great. I could take that any day in the middle of winter. I realized a few things since about PCP related to sickness since this is the sickest I've gotten in about a year.
1. I craved meat. I haven't eaten meat in almost a year now. It was very strange but a day after the onslaught my body started craving meat. I had dreams about eating meat. Patrick mayhaps you have some strange logical reason for this but I can't think of one. Anyway as soon as I could start downing some solid food again (beyond toast and a soft-boiled egg) the cravings were gone and now have less desire for eating meat than before I got sick. Weird.
2. I was able to push myself pretty far even though I was sick. I stayed fairly busy throughout and surprisingly I recovered as quickly as I did. I really do feel 100% now and I am really happy.
3. It felt like more of a mental battle than ever before. The first night when my stomach attacked me it wasn't merely a physical attack. I had a really hard time keeping my thoughts in control and my mind was racing. I don't know why that happened, I don't think it's related to fitness at all but it was weird.
4. Having abs is awesome! So hours of puking didn't make my stomach sore! The PCP is great in the puke-preparedness department.
And the biggest thing was that getting sick like that for the first time since PCP gave me a low I didn't remember. The PCP gave me the best I have ever felt physically and feeling that sick brought me down to a point of reference. I could remember how much worse being sick was when my body was probably fighting all the stores of toxins I would have had in my body from months of poor diet before hand. And now that I'm bette I can really place how I feel. I'm more in tune with my physicality. I know I'm not where I was 2 months ago but I'm still really good and I have great energy compared to pre-PCP life.
So if you want to stay healthy and cope with sickness to the best of your ability focusing on physical well-being and fitness is the best thing you can do. Actually if I had kept up on the diet and exercise more I bet I never would have got sick to begin with. Cheers to the PCP keeping us all at the top of our game or getting us there quickly when we fall back!
Next time I want to talk a little about mind-body connection. Until then keep being active! Spring is coming!
You might be right...I have kept up on the diet pretty good and I haven't gotten sick even though it has been going around my office like crazy...they have the "one month cold".
Sometimes I can almost feel as if I would be getting sick and then feel like I'm fighting it off but I never really get sick. I hope you get back to 100% really soon!
I had a vomitous experience once on the PCP and as it was happening I thought "damn, this is better than 8 min abs!" A complete and extended isometric exercise for almost the entire core!
Glad you're feeling better.
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