Like most of us in the PCC, I've had a hard time jumping right back into the food plan. Just looking at all the food on my diet sheet is enough to tire me out. Time management is really tough for me when it comes to food. For some reason, I never could get myself to spend much time on pre-preparing food. It felt like most of my day was spent preparing food, eating it and then washing dishes. Sticking to the diet plan was the hardest thing for me to do during the PCP. I guess that's why it was pretty easy for me to stop following it shortly after the program ended.
I shamefully gave into my most random junk food cravings. While waiting to get back a roll of film at Walgreens this week, I wandered over to the refrigerators, and I caught myself staring at a box of lean pockets. It was a low moment.
Yesterday was the first time I followed the meal plan, and like others have said, if you stick to it, there isn't much room left for extra food. I got stuffed with raw carrots instead of potato chips. It's pretty nice not feeling sick after eating a bunch of food. I don't think I've ever known the feeling of nourishment before the PCP. After eating 150 grams of vegetables and fruit, I get a burst of energy and I'm ready to go.
I'm going to start following other PCP vets advice to spend a day on just prepping food. Tomorrow I'm going to go the groceries and I'm going to buy 5 bags of carrots!
Dude that video was awesome. I'm telling you man, do the big steam. I wake up early every three days and steam a ton of vegetables, toss them all together and put it in the refrigerator. For the next three days use that as your vegetable portion and just mix up the carbs between bread, pasta, tortillas, cous-cous, etc... with the appropriate spices.
What happened to your famous turkey burgers?
I actually never stopped making the turkey burgers. But Emiko and I may have found a new favorite - curried chicken salad.
"Dead Pockeeetttt"
There is some truth to that joke, though... maybe you won't be dead by dinner, but your energy certainly will!
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