Yet again, my priorities really shifted this week. A load of new stuff is on my plate right now (Adrian and I are working on starting an illustration business! woo woo), so hating on myself is just impractical. In fact, I don't feel too bad about it.
Neither my diet nor my workouts have been the best this week, I must admit that. Not terrible, but not great. I am actually happy despite all of this, because now I know that I have enough self-awareness to make the choice to adjust during tough times. I also know that this inflation of daily tasks is probably going to continue for awhile, so I am really taking Nate's last post to heart.
There are only small pockets of time for me to work out - and sometimes it feels like there's no time at all - so I am just going to tell myself "Just do 1 rep of each exercise...it'll take no time at all!" And in no time, I can rock those workouts - I know I can't just stop after one rep! So thanks for that post, Nate, I think it's really going to help me step up the amount of exercise I will do this coming week.
Anyways, gotta run.... this post has officially filled one of those few spare, small pockets of time I have! Time to get busy... but first:

...something Adrian made.... a little peak at the new business!!
Good luck this week, everyone! Take the time to start that "1 rep," and get in some great workouts!
<3 Emiko
You bet Emiko! I hope it works. Now I have to practice what I preach too and do those "1 reps" haha.
Also I usually hate running but man I really have felt the itch to run recently. I might and then post about it next week!
Oh man, running is the best. I really miss going for runs. There is such a freedom to it that jumpropes will never have. I definitely support that, and can't wait to hear your experiences!
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