. . . Not the drug, the program
First off I have to come clean I did not start the PCP diet and workout yet. I have had 2 crazy weeks at work and this weekend I had my hands full taking care of my mom who came down with a weird viral infection that affected her intestine and had to go to the hospital. But she is doing much better now and enjoying being pampered by my dad and her children. The one pay-off of having kids is eventually they take care of you.
So besides that I have still been making relatively healthy diet choices and active choices as well. In the would-be fitness-schlep words of Patrick I eat well, move well, and am well haha.
I did however have such a poorly prepared Macchiato today I almost got scared off of them.
What I wanted to mention today is something that I find quite hilarious and at times irritating. It's as soon as everyone you know, finds out about the PCP and what it entails, you will always be different. ALWAYS.
When mentioning food or talking about a new restaurant, months after the PCP is done, your friends will turn to you mid-conversation and say things like "Oh, i don't know if you can eat there," or "are you still on that weird diet?" Or if you organize a party people ask if they can bring desserts and like-items. It's hilarious because it seems they point this out constantly because if they make you feel different they can't feel guilty about how THEY eat.
On top of that the instant they witness you "indulge" it's the news of the century. "oh, you can eat THAT now? I thought your diet wouldn't let you."
And that's where it gets a little irritating to me. Almost every I know that knew about the PCP and it's details still calls it a diet. When I have time and time again told them no it's just how I choose to eat. Sure it's a "diet" if you eat McDonald's every day that's a "diet" too but not in the way they use the term. Because you see 99.9% of people in the world view "diets" as momentary journeys into restrictive unpleasant eating, and 90% of those people have never even successfully completed a "diet."
So be prepared to be different and be forced to constantly have that pointed out to you. And as long as you are in the minority (healthy eaters) you will always be on a "diet" and have "restrictions" even though it's your clean taste buds that don't like bacon cheese burgers and salty fries not what some magazine said you should and should not eat.
But be happy to be different. Be happy to be healthy. I am.
Even though I am slowly sliding away from being REALLY healthy. But I'm house-sitting my sisters dogs this coming week so if I don't get lured into playing the Wii all week I will walk/run the dogs in this bitter cold.
Until next week, I hope you enjoy everyone else's posts as much as I do.
Yeah I've gone back and forth on using the word "diet". Sometimes I'd rather go with "nutrition plan" but that's a mouthful. Any one else have good ideas?
Yeah, I say "eating plan" or just "menu". Once I tell people what I eat they're like "but that's not a diet" because to most people "diet" = crazy unsustainable starvation mode.
I have really noticed this time around that if I eat everything on my food plan, I'm not very likely to even think about going off-plan for some kind of treat. But if I miss a planned snack or some part of a meal, it's much less easy.
Yeah Amy the same thing happens to me. When I miss something on my plan I end up feeling empty and reaching for a quick fix.
Nate dude I found this and thought you needed to see it.
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