I think a lot of people have major issues when it comes to fitness because the only goal they ever set is the end game. However I have always been very good at breaking things down into manageable goals that have gotten me through the PCP and where I am now.
For example, if you are thinking of doing the PCP but getting acquainted with all these blogs first, like I did, make some changes now. Too many people think of goals and the path to them as clear cut. You don't need to start your journey to fitness on day 1 of the PCP or some new diet. Make a small change now and you are laying the bricks for a strong foundation, otherwise if you actually make it through the 90 days it will all crumble because you have no idea what to do after you reached your goal.
So my advice is set smaller goals, and although you will have a bigger more ultimate goal like completing the PCP, come up with at least one goal afterwards to keep you going, then one after that and so forth. I neglected to do that, felt lost after the PCP, and here I am today trying to get things back on track. But, I would have had a harder time still if I didn't take advantage of setting pre-PCP goals for myself.
So set small goals. Pre and Post PCP.
Right now my goal is to work on stamina, posture, flexibility, and balance. This summer I plan on switching back into a more heavy muscle-toning and intensive cardio program similar to the PCP. But for now I want to work on things that will help my backpacking in europe and help me understand some things are worth dedicating time and energy to that have much smaller noticeable benefits. I already know I can build pecs really quick if I want but I want a stronger foundation of fitness. Things that will help me when I'm 80 and slowing down.
So bring on the yoga stretches, conscious posture throughout the day, and walking with my backpack for a few miles a week to start.
That's my goals for now. All part of the bigger goal of actively striving to be fitter than the day before.
What are yours?
Sounds like you'd be a perfect candidate for my newest secret project! Consider yourself signed up!
Consider me signed up and ready to go!
I'm sure it will be great.
I'm also getting my new shoes for the trip this weekend and my backpack is in the mail. Here comes some break-in multi-mile walks with a good 30 lbs in the bag.
can't wait. Walking my way back into PC
Were you doing rock climbing on a climbing wall? I think that sounds like really good practice for trekking!
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