Thursday, February 26, 2009

Best under pressure!

Yes, that's me.....I love pressure....well, not really, but it just seems to work for me.   Life has gotten so busy these days.  I'm doing some major juggling these drum and guitar lessons, the boys soccer, the baby at 1 1/2 yrs old,  the dog who is still a puppy, rental homes with problem tenants, overseas paperwork, keeping up on e-mails and facebook, shopping, lots of socializing, etc., etc., etc.!  I do make it through my days, but sometimes I wonder how?!?!?!

So, it seems that on my busiest days is when I am most effective.  I've always been like this....the more I have to do, the more I get done.  And if I have nothing to do, I get ultra lazy and do nothing.  Maybe this is why I have 3 kids, a dog, a hubby who is gone a lot and live in Japan....

I've had great exercising days this week....first good week in 2009.  I know that I need these to get through the next day because the workouts are giving me back the energy I know I had lost while taking a "break" after PCP.  It's a snowball effect.....the more I work out, the better I feel, the better I feel, the better I eat, ....the better I eat, the better I feel, the more I work out, the better I feel......and so on.  Major theme:  work out, eat well.....feel great!

Keep the pressure coming for now, I'm sure the time will come to slow down and relax, but for now I'm doing ok! 

Gotta go....things to do:)
see you next week


Adrian said...

I can relate. Life feels like it's on hyper-overdrive right now, and I'm being more productive as a result.

Amy said...

What is it with this week? It started out manageable and just got crazy at work. Today was a nightmare!!!

Patrick said...

Yeah I'm swamped too. This time of year everything is on a busy get things done wavelength. Even the flowers and insects are gearing up for some seriousj work.