This week has gone by really fast. Mostly I have had my butt glued to my dining room chair, working on designs to build up Adrian and my portfolio. I am happy to announce that we have finally gotten our illustration business off of the ground! But, in the meantime, I haven't really given myself the time to work out. I think about it every day, but before I know it it's 2am and I just have to hit the sack. It has been a crazy couple o' weeks, but I am happy with all the hard work we put in.
So today - after realizing that it was already Friday again - I decided to catch up on the last few days' posts and check in on everybody. But what happened? We are missing two of the last three posts! I guess I'm not the only one having a crazy week.
Anyways, I have been reflecting on how difficult it is trying to keep up with the PCP now, as opposed to my original 90-day project. It feels so different to me. Adrian and I have talked about this since the PCC started, and I think part of the what really motivated me to stick closer to the diet and squeeze in my workouts every day was the weekly Flickr photo. I really wanted to look better each week, and to see my positive progression over time. Also, because during the PCP we all were assigned the same exercises, we had a concrete thing that we shared. Many of our new posts show that our Community is having trouble following the diets and maintaining a regular work-out regimen, so I thought, Maybe we should try something new?
I am not saying that we all need to start posting weekly shots on Flickr again, necessarily. But maybe we could all brainstorm together and figure out a little extra incentive to stick to our plans and reach more goals. Even if the incentive is something small, perhaps simply sharing that one thing will help us follow each other's progress. We would be able to discuss it as a community, and kick our fitness up a notch, as well as encouragement and support for each other.
Any suggestions?
Can't wait to hear 'em!
You are absolutely right. I loved the Flickr photo as well, and I should start doing that again at least for my own personal benefit.
We've found how truly hard it is to live healthy in an unhealthy society, and since there's less pressure this time, I find it easier to let some things slide.
Maybe a PCC Flickr pool is a good idea.
For the meantime how about posting our weekly pic at the bottom of our PCC posts with a few lines about what we're happy with and what needs work? I'll do it if you do it.
I'm in! Although I can't say that I'm gonna be happy with how I look for awhile. But that's all the more motivation to change, right?
Exactly. I always tell people the worse your Day 1 photo is, the better. Nothing motivates more than being sick of how you look and seeing the changes happen in front of your eyes. Edit this post with this weeks bad pic?
I'm in.
I'm totally in too. My pic is going to be pretty embarrassing for being a month or so in, but if it inspires change it's worth it.
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