Every time Friday rolls around, I feel like it is time to evaluate my week. Like it's my Judgement Day. I don't know if that's good or bad, but here goes!
I had a fairly good week. I really feel like my diet is on track. I am not saying that I am perfect all of the time, but I do feel like it's getting easier for me to follow the diet without it taking up too much mental space. I suppose I have become more ingrained to have a bowl of yogurt or an apple at the right time in the day without too much thought. I like that. It's nice to just eat what I'm supposed to without having to think too hard about it.
Speaking of judgment day...A theater close by had a midnight showing of Terminator 2: Judgement Day which Adrian and I went to lastnight. Here's the trailer to refresh your memory of its awesomeness:
I mention this because I definitely had a PCP-influenced thought during the movie. Sarah Connor, a main character in the original Terminator, changed her body considerably for this movie. In the first movie, she has a thin but otherwise average body. This time around, she has trained and changed both mentally and physically. She is BUFF and tough!

Adrian said that she should have been my PCP hero, and I think I agree!
awesome story about how much we can change our perspectives in just a few short months. Most people see hollywood stars as existing in some kind of magical realm where buff bodies just kind of happen. The big names have to grunt, sweat, and feel the burn just as much as us. The difference is their paycheck depends on it, which is how they find their motivation.
The trick is finding how to motivate yourself when you aren't lucky enough to get paid for being healthy.
That's a pic of Linda Hamilton from Terminator 2, right? She's not in the upcoming movie, is she? It's a shame, I bet she's aged pretty well. Unless, like her character, she smokes a lot.
The Emikonator!
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