The solution hit me like a lightning bolt. A way for him to solve all his problems in one fell stroke.
Once that baby arrives he needs to start curling it. A curl is the term for most any exercise where you hold the hands out and bring them towards you, working the biceps. In the PCP we have 5 different kinds of curls, (Curl, One-Arm Curl, Thumbs-Up Curl, Outside Curl, and The Show Off) but we don't have a Baby Curl.
The magic of the Baby Curl is that you will start off with a very low weight between 4-6 kilos and be steadily improving your strength as the newborn gets bigger. You will be able to learn really good form in the lighter months and be challenged as the kid tops 10, 20, then 30 kilos. By the time he's in junior high you're really going to have some serious burn! But if you've followed the plan and curled him 4 times a week for 10 years it won't be anything you can't handle.
I almost want to have a kid just to try this. If you're lucky enough to have a little tyke, don't waste anymore time, get off the couch and start curling that baby!

I take my kids on a "pouffie ride" - I bundle them up in a duvet and swing them around, landing them softly on the couch as I yell "pouffie!" - works great for arms and shoulders. I also get one or both to sit on my back as I do push ups - who knew the kids would be one of my best pieces of exercise equipment?
I prefer doing push-ups with a 3yr old on your back to feel the burn…
Why don't we also add baby food to the PCP diet? That stuff is pretty tasty and good for you too. Robocop ate the stuff...
Actually, I saw this weird pilates video last week where you're supposed to use your baby as a prop. It's supposed to be a great way to spend time with your baby and get a good work-out. I might try it with my cats.
Ha ha I predict a trip to the hospital as Nate tries to bench press stacks of stray cats.
Not fair I wasn't even here to defend myself! Bench pressing cats! Hardly. Squirrels would be better.
Actually I was thinking "Sweet babies are finally good for something!"
Now I can spend some more quality time with my niece. Curling her or doing shoulder flys haha.
ok....take a break from the babies and pick up some weights....they'll never cooperate or let you finish your rep goals.....babies are for cuddling:)
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