Hello, everyone! Sorry this post is so late... I was out of the house almost all of Friday and didn't come back home until afternoon today.
I have been trying to observe myself more closely this week. I feel the need to understand more fully how my brain works, to experience my ingrained habits rather than just be a slave to them. To see more clearly how I craft excuses and reasons that help me to convince myself that I do, in fact, need some chocolate (right now!). Especially with the idea in mind that I might be posing for my first PCC weekly photo on Friday, I thought it might be nice to find a way to feel proud every time I could say no to the chocolate, rather than always delighting in any chance of indulgence.
It wasn't a grand a scheme by any means, just a little thought that I kept in the back of my mind. When I would crave something or think to go out of my way to attain some food that was not healthy, I just took a slight pause to question it. It has been a while since I really paused to question my actions. I don't think I have actually done so - at least not with any consistency - since my PCP. It was kind of a relief. I really do feel like a slave to my habitual cravings and reasonings. It helped me to drop the thought much more easily, and just get on with eating well more of the time.
I am going to hold off until next week to start my PCC weekly photo. I never got the chance to take a picture on Friday or today, and I would rather have a regular schedule with a full week in between each picture. That way, I can really see the changes from one week to the next. But I am excited to get it started.
Maybe someone else could kick off their next post with a photo? No pressure, though! :)
Until next week,
Emiko you have become like our PCC cheerleader! It's great thanks for your motivating posts. And right now I think I have given up any semblance of a quest to understand my mind. I'm just gonna try to be better at telling it what to do! lol
I'll sort out the picture stuff this week to make it more fun for all of us.
Great post Emiko, I haven't been watching my mind much this week either and it really brought me down to earth.
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