I went to the dentist this week for a cleaning and to get my wisdom teeth checked up, and I found out that I had two cavities! TWO! I couldn't believe it. I haven't had very many cavities since I was a little kid, so I was surprised that two popped up after improving my diet so drastically.
My dentist asked me if I had been eating a lot of sticky foods or candy, but I have mostly given up sugar since last fall. She then asked if I had been snacking a lot. At first I was going to say no, just because I think of "snacking" as a negative thing... like stuffing your face with junky food all day long. But in reality, I do snack a lot. The PCP regimen has us eating small meals and snacks throughout the day. I asked her, even if it's healthy food, if snacking is bad for your teeth. The answer was Yes.

It turns out that eating many small meals throughout the day provides a lot of opportunities for food to get stuck in your teeth, for long periods, before we brush our teeth at night. And the longer the food sits between your teeth, the more likely you are to get cavities. YIKES! So I asked my dentist what the best solution was, and she said to drink water while you eat, and to brush your teeth some time in the middle of the day if possible. I guess I coulda anticipated that one, but it really makes sense. Too bad I had to figure that out after I already needed fillings.
Hope there won't be any next time... I hate novicane shots!
So drink that water all day long! It's good for you anyway.
Until next week!
Wow, that's a side effect I hadn't anticipated. Sorry about that! In Japan brushing your teeth after lunch is something everyone does, people keep a toothbrush at school and the office and after school lunches all the kids brush their teeth together. It's pretty cute.
Also, I wonder if eating healthy, fresh food actually promotes tooth decay because the stuff turns to rot between your teeth more easily? Most processed foods don't break down for months or years.
Hmm... weird turn of events. Thanks for sharing!
I actually posted about this during the original PCP!
Also my sonicare toothbrush just died so my teeth will be a little less healthy until I get a replacement.
Babe, dentists are NEVER satisfied. Mine aren't, at least.
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