Following the PCP regimen is important in my mind, but hasn't been as present in my actions. Every time after I eat something I know is bad for me, and each day of the week that I don't work out, I tell myself that from that point on, I am going to do better. But lately, I haven't been. My diet isn't all bad, but it's not completely balanced and I have been eating out more often. Where I feel that I am really lacking is daily exercise. I have not given myself the time to take a 20 minute break from my work to go outside and do my jump ropes. It's in the back of my mind, but somehow day-to-day it has not been on my top priorities.

The first path is to admit to myself that, right now, running my home businesses is important and time-consuming, and a PCP regimen is just not going to happen at this point. That doesn't by any means mean that I would give up on good health, just simply stepping back from the PCC and relieving myself of the pressure to get into peak condition at this point in my life.
The second would be to step up to the plate and give the PCP and this community all the effort I can.
I have made the decision to take the first path, to back off from the PCC for now. This will be my last post for now. I have to be honest about where my priorities lie. I will of course keep reading the blog, and cheering everyone on. I think that a few other members of this community are at this same crossroads. I hope we can all support each other, whichever path we have chosen.
Good luck to everyone! I can't wait to read your future posts.
What's most important is that you see that focusing on work will have slight minus effect on your fitness levels, and vice versa. Understanding this balance will allow you to shift accordingly with what your body/career needs are in any season.
Most people think they can do 40-60 hour weeks without a big impact on their health. But every hour they spend in a desk chair is one hour not moving their body as it has evolved to be moved!
Good luck with your efforts and join in again anytime!
you gotta be honest with yourself. At least you know you can't have it both ways unlike 90% of the rest of us.
Thanks for your comments, Patrick and Amy. Actually, the bookselling business that Adrian and I run requires a lot of going out and hunting our merchandise, so at least part of every day we are on the move.
We have also taken up running and are working out together again, which is nice. I know I can't really commit to peak condition, but I am trying to be conscious of my health while I focus on my work.
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