I haven't really done a workout since about a week after the project ended. This has actually been a good thing for me. Over the past five months (wow, time flies), I've really been able to reflect on how it feels to be in shape, and how it feels to be out of shape. I've felt my body slow down as I've ceased workouts, I've felt my taste palette become polluted once again, and at the same time, I've had opportunities to show pictures of my PCP body, and take pride in what I had attained.
How have these mostly negative things been good for me? Contrast. I was hoping that the PCP would be something I could look at and feel really good about. When I pull up my pics from time to time, I can't help but smile -- smile because I really pushed myself to do something that I had always wanted to do, but feared I would never be able to pull off. In my slothful state from the end of the PCP until now, I have felt something in me yearn to get back in to shape again. Alas the opportunity is here, and my perspective towards the PCP has changed yet again.
When I began the first PCP, I felt that I had something to prove. Now I feel that I have something to maintain. Granted I'm not near the condition I was in at the end, but I'm also not as out of shape as I was before I began the first PCP. I am a spontaneous person; I live and work in cycles. I've had a season of conditioning, a season of ease, and now, a season of conditioning is upon me once again. My excitement is less, "Yeah! let's do this!" and more, "It is time." The first is motivation -- something that doesn't last long for me. The second is a core, conscious decision to execute discipline.
Today I took it easy: just 2000 jump-ropes. My body wanted to quit at 1500, but I've learned to push on. I felt my body scream at me, "Thank you!" at the same time crying, "I hate you!" The hatred was fueled by my poor diet over the past several weeks. After I finished my routine, I felt sick as I could feel the junk moving through my body, but psychologically I felt good for working out. I fully expect to be back in my full routine within the next few days.
Now for some fun metadata:
Workout time: 15-20 min.
Routine: 2000 jump-ropes
Music: The Wallflowers
Until next week,
I know exactly what you mean dude. Feeling good and crappy, excited and resigned, all at the same time. There's nothing like doing it the first time. But the good news is that the second time is much faster and you don't spend weeks bumbling around.
I feel the same exact way david, great way to put it.
"it is time"
Thanks for the encouragement, guys.
I feel a little sore today, but again, not as near as much when I first started. It feels good -- really really good.
2,000 jump ropes sounds like a pretty good work out to me, especially since you haven't worked out in a while.. Nice job! You must be feeling it today.
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